Useful Links

FRARS EME One of the largest EME (Moonbounce) Stations in the World
TAPR - Advancing the Art of Amateur Radio
QEX - A Forum for Communications Experimenters
UK Microwaves UK Microwave Group
PC Hell stacks of useful info to get you out of trouble with PCs Some Good Tutorials in Communications Enginering
Phil Karn, KA9Q - Data Comms, Signal Processing, etc etc..
Dave Robinson G4FRE / WW2R
W1GHZ Small Projects
Netcalc Novel complex impedance calculator by GM3SEK
WSJT Home Page WSJT, Q65, FT8/4 FST4 WSPR ... etc

RF Parts Co Supplier of RF power transistors and components
Maker active, open source platform for maker projects much like Hack A Day. These projects are centered around Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Intel Edison, home automation and more.
Minicircuits - RF, IF & Microwave Components DC - 20GHz Semiconductor Datasheets - Large collection of pinouts and connections covering all manner of useful items.
RF Cafe - An extensive resource for RF, wireless, and all aspects of science and engineering.
BBC White papers - BBC Engineering, open publications

UHF-Satcom Hoovering the Ether from VHF to EHF
Security, Encryption, Crackers Software / Downloads
Bruce Schneier - Security Guru, some good Blogs
CryptoGram Newsletter Thought-Provoking insights on security and encryption
G4GUO HF Digital Experiments
Handbook of Applied Cryptography Free downloadable chapters

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